First Step: Get a Warrior
How to own BAC Warriors?
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How to own BAC Warriors?
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To be in BAC Missions and BAC online Battles, players need to own Warriors. There are 3 ways to own BAC warriors: purchase Gacha Eggs; purchase Warriors on marketplace and reproduce by mating to another warrior.
With Gacha Eggs, players just need to buy Eggs on marketplace and hatch them for 20 minutes then get the Warrior, there will be no extra fee of hatching. All you need to do is just waiting the Hatch. The price for each Egg will be different based on its nature. In addition, if players want to skip hatching period, they need to spend a small fee which is counted for $BAC 10M.
Another way to own BAC Warriors is purchasing directly from marketplace with the shown price from other players. The quantity and price of BAC warriors will be depended on available warriors owners higher price range. Each type of Warrior will have different prices and various characteristics.
A couple of warriors can reproduce a new warrior (this function will be updated on the next version).
Step 1: Go on
Step 2: Click "Connect" to your wallet
Step 3: Select type of Gacha Eggs you want to buy
Step 4: Enter the Eggs number
Step 5: Confirm the transaction on your wallet
Step 6: Wait for Hatching Period or pay $BAC 10M to skip.
Step 1: Go on
Step 2: Click "Connect" to your wallet
Step 3: Select type of BAC Warrior you want to buy
Step 4: Confirm the transaction on your wallet
Step 5: Ready to go on Missions
Updated coming soon